Are you on social media? Do you love it? Hate it? Do you let it shape your identity? I have and, if I’m honest, I still do. With each post I try to navigate the space between pure authenticity and militant internet safety. I struggle, tying my happiness to likes and my confidence to follows. I break with every criticism, inviting the half-formed thoughts of strangers into my heart. Social media isn’t an easy world.
But sometimes, you can find magic. For me, this magic is found in the ladies behind Pink Lemon Podcast: Tawni Marie and Tamika Rybinski, two self-described Instagram buddies who became friends In Real Life (imagine that!).
meet the creators of Pink Lemon Podcast
Tawni is the talented artist, essential oils queen, book lover and plant whisperer behind @_tawnimarie_. Her Instagram feed has all the stylish perfection of Scandinavian minimalism, with an added dash of humour and grace. In an inauthentic world Tawni states facts in all their beautiful ugliness.
Tamika is a gorgeous artist, graphic designer, French bulldog mama, and the voice of @tamikarybinski. We met through Tawni (because Vienna is an overgrown country town), and unsuccessfully started a book club. The book club still meets, but it’s unsuccessful for we never really talk about the book. We start one discussion question, and then our conversation takes us places far outside the stark black typeset and crisp white pages. But this is the best kind of book club.
Pink Lemon Podcast combines Tawni and Tamika’s artistic flair, optimism and love for pastries to create a witty, easy to listen to series about life, relationships and personal health. We spent an afternoon creating branding photos that capture their creativity, humour, authenticity, and love for coffee. What do these photos say to you?
P.S. The photo shoot was my first attempt using a speedlite to counteract the dull, grey days of Vienna's winter. No one was blinded or otherwise harmed in the process of learning to use off-camera artificial light - winner!
Listeners can expect to feel like they are joining us for tea and coffee. We will talk about books, the ennegram, essential oils, expat life, and anything else that entertains us.
- Tawni & Tamika